After the death of Pompey it was inherited by his son Sextus and later became part of the estates of Emperor Augustus and his successors. The villa was three storyhigh and completed with a nymphaeum, cryptoportici, statues, fountains and gardens. The ruins we can admire have been well conserved and cover an area of nine hectares, measuring 340 meters in length and 260 meters in breadth. Some of the findings discovered between 1700 and 1800 are the marble altar carved with the labours of Hercules, now kept in the Musei Capitolini, two splendid centaurs in polychrome marble and the bearded Bacchus, now kept in the Museo dei Doria Pamphili (once owners of the park where the remains of the villa were found).
Imperial Villa
The Villa, the remains of which can be found in the public park, was built by Pompey between 61 and 58 BC and financed with the rich spoils from the war against Mithridates.