Albano Laziale

Festa patronale di San Pancrazio (Patron Saint’s Day) – on 12th May we celebrate the Patron of Albano; the celebrations lasting three days include an impressive procession through the streets of the town, a lottery, markets, music and dancing.

Festa della Madonna del Rosario (celebration of Our Lady) – Every year on 7th October, The institution of Papa Pio V celebrates the Christian victory of the Battle of Lepanto (7th October 1571).

Festa della Madonna della Rotonda (celebration of Madonna della Rotonda) – On the first Sunday of August, the whole community celebrates the Virgin whose prayers brought protection during the breakout of cholera in 1867.

Festa di San Francesco d’Assisi (celebration of S. Francesco of Assisi) – the people’s celebrations take place during the early days of October in the Convento of the Cappuccini in the form of chidren games, dancing and firework displays.