For lovers of underground tourism we recommend two places rich in history and cult: the catacombs of Ad Decimum (currently closed for maintenance work) and San Senatore. The first are so called because of the location at the tenth mile of the ancient Via Latina (corresponding today to km 6 of Via Anagnina, in the municipality of Grottaferrata); they are among the best known in the area for the excellent state of conservation of the two tunnels dug out of the tuff rock, which branch off into smaller arteries, for a total of 225 meters containing more than a thousand graves. The catacombs of San Senatore are also very interesting, because they are rich in different polychrome frescoes and pagan and Christian sepulchral inscriptions.
The historic center of Marino hides and guards in its basement a very large maze of caves carved entirely in peperino. Under the streets of the medieval village, in fact, there are so many ramified and communicating galleries that were used over time for different purposes and that go almost to constitute “a city under the city”.
Info and bookings Catacombs Ad Decimum – Grottaferrata
Latin Archaeological Group “Bruno Martellotta”
Guided tours: Sundays from 10.30 to 11.30 and from 11.30 to 12.30
Other days by reservation: website / phone +39 348 4066708 – 06 9459854 / Email
Info and bookings Catacombs San Senatore: Via della stella 5, Albano Laziale, tel: 06 93269490
Marino underground: Piazza Matteotti. It can be visited all year by reservation, visit duration: 1 hour – difficulty: low
For info and reservations: Archeoclub Colli Albani – / tel. +39 333 672 3842 +39 338 140 8030.