Castel Gandolfo

Urban Art

It was 2016 when the walls of the Piazza Pertini bus terminal and the Chateauneuf du Pape pedestrian underpass in Castel Gandolfo came back to life with art, color and emotion. A few steps from the historic center of one of the most beautiful villages in Italy, we find 800 meters of murals signed by national and international artists.

Thanks to the presence of a single artistic context and a thematic continuity line, the murals created by 7 artists under the direction of Franco Galvano promoter of the project Art and city in color and Alan Bianchi, form a real urban art gallery: to date the first and only example in the metropolitan city of Roma Capitale.

Coming down from Viale Antonio Costa, the first mural created by the Roman street artist Alessandra Carloni meets. His fantastic landscapes, which project the viewer into a dreamlike dimension, are populated by parachutes, flying ships and hot-air balloons. The street artist has depicted Castel Gandolfo with the brush technique on cement and quartz paints: a village suspended on a mountain that becomes welcoming.

On the porch under the bus terminal and in the following exedra there are touching representations worked by hand and spray cans by Neve, a well-known street artist from Turin, who created two Caravaggio-style Madonnas using 72 different colors. Another tribute to Caravaggio is his other work that reproduces Caravaggio’s dying Virgin.

Tina Loiodice is the other street artist who has created, under the portico, two faces of the same woman depicted first as a child and then as an adult and faces the theme of women taking up the typical casting technique of the Serbian artist Kristina Milakovic. The murals of the pedestrian underpass of Chateauneuf du Pape also belong to the Loiodice, a tribute to the village and to the husband who passes by every day.

Morden Gore signs two other works that recount the welcome, depicting a veiled woman first and in the underpass the great work “Dente di Leone”, where she tells the journey by sea and the encounter between multiple cultures, such as the blue towel that migrants receive on arrival in Lampedusa and put on the head as per tradition, made with a technique mixed with paints and brush.

The last work that was added in 2017 is the enchanted forest of Mauro Sgarbi, which colors and brings to life the terminal. A space of surreality, as the artist himself defined it, where the user is totally immersed in the work, interacting with it and going through it. Couples of lovers entering this forest will be able to engrave their names on the trees and be part of the work itself forever.