Festa Patronale di San Nilo da Rossano (Patron Saint’s Day) – it takes place on 26th September in remembrance of the death of the Saint. The day is celebrated with a large market that sells agricultural, artisans and wine and food products. Folkloristic singing and dancing by local folk groups will give the evening a cheerful atmosphere.
Fiera Nazionale Grottaferrata (National Fair) – it is the most important event of the year and attracts a great number of visitors and traders from different parts of Italy. The origin of the Fair comes from ancient times and is closely related to the foundation of the Abbey inasmuch as numerous pilgrims have flocked to the Chiesa di Santa Maria, particularly for the Feast of Annunciation (25th March) and for the Nativity of the Virgin Mary (8th September). The celebrations became good opportunities for trading and therefore the fair grew every year. It takes place in spring and combines tradition with present day issues. For example, artisan products and wine and food stalls are arranged side by side with information points that deal with ecology, socially conscious publishing and architecture.
‘Na vota c’era (Once there was…) – it takes place in September, usually the second week of the month, and it is an historical reproduction of the ancient September Fair of Grottaferrata. It is held in the courtyard of the Abbey and set in a 19th century atmosphere with great attention to the period costumes and tools.
Mostra mercato di antiquariato ed artigianato (Antiques and artisan market) – every third Sunday of the month a town market is held along the streets lined with handcraft, antiques and curiosity stands.