
Palio degli Asini – (donkey race) – it opens the famous “Settembre Colonnese” the second weekend of September. The donkey race is a challenge among the neighbourhoods along the streets of the historical centre preceded by a bow and arrow contest and a splendid historical costume parade with about 200 models: princes, princesses, knights, dames, squires and inhabitants for all the neighbourhoods. At the end of the competition the winners offer wine ciambelle biscuits to everyone.

Sagra delle Pincinelle (Pincinelle Pasta Festival) –still part of the “Settembre Colonnese” the third weekend of the month is dedicated to the distribution of the traditional pasta (le pincinelle) with music, dancing, concerts and cabaret.

Sagra dell’Uva Italia (Italian Grape Festival) – it has taken place since 1960 on the last Sunday of September to celebrate the fine grapes as well as kiwis and peaches. Free grapes are distributed in the centre of the town throughout the celebrations. The interesting and traditional competition of grape treading is also much awaited. The wine cellars are open and display the equipment used for the grape harvest and offer good local wine and food. Included in the celebrations is the TrofeoPodisticoViniPrincipiPallavicinia race of 10 km.

Sagra del Cocomero (Water Melon Festival) – throughout August, the Maranella neighbourhood merrily celebrates the tasty summer fruit.

Mostra dei Presepi (Navitity Scene Displays) – from 20th December until the Epiphany the Nativity scenes are on display in the grottos and cellars in the town.